
It all starts with just one person – and maybe that person is you!

Sadly, for many women, accessing hope and support during difficult pregnancy circumstances isn't possible. Pregnancy Help is hard to find in Australia; many suburbs and towns don't have charitable pregnancy help services. This means that women often can’t access the vital social, emotional and practical support necessary to continue their pregnancy and safely transition into motherhood. Together, we can change this!

Are you interested in starting a little 'Hub of Love' (pregnancy help service) in your neighbourhood or church community?

We are here to help! 

There are several things to consider and steps required to establish a professional, enduring pregnancy help service. With that in mind, we've assembled valuable practical start-up tools, coaching and up-to-date resources to help you navigate the many processes and decisions required to see a little 'hub of love' become a reality!  Fill out the form below for more information.

If you already offer an established pregnancy help service, you can learn more about the benefits of working together here.